By: Erol
"When accept that you are a werewolf? "
The question took unawares Remus Tonks not only because he asked, but the memories you brought your mind, alegríay nostalgia for his past back quickly. James Potter had made the same question some time ago, when he was just a youngster with a fear of being discovered, someone discovered that the boy kept such a shy and retiring secret.
secrets in a boarding school was a guarded and suspicious, did not know Remus if I could trust someone in the castle as his only ally was Dumbledore. He was only eleven years old and had known the cruelty at the hands of Greyback, contempt of Slytherin for being "dirty blood", and even unintentionally promoted the children protected by their parents to Lupin only dreamed of one day be accepted among their peers, but teachers were determined to place as an authority but a copy of the student who had just entered. In the end it was all an example to follow the model pupil.
Todo lo contrario de sus compañeros de cuarto James Potter, Sirius Black y el atolondrado Peter. A menudo James lo había invitado a formar parte de su grupo sin mucho éxito, Sirius lo creí un presumido y remilgado “prefecto de pacotilla” e incluso Peter lo miraba como alguien lejano ¿Cómo podría explicarles su ansiedad? El era un hombre lobo así tuviera once años, no podía interactuar con la facilidad de James, o levantar la mirada con Sirius sin temor a dejar entre ver algo e incluso esconderse tras las espaldas of others as to Peter was embarrassing.
- Remus! - James had cried that day as he entered the room.
- Need scream James?
Remus after another alleged illness of her mother returned exhausted only to find that his roommates with his presence seemed eager What would have happened?
- Your ear should be very good Remus, do not yell-talking James Sirius Remus leaving almost stunned. Sirius never defendíaa least one and a prefect.
- Sorry Remus! - James hastened to say.
- boys Did something happen? - The lads faces James, Sirius and Peter seemed embarrassed. They had three months together and had never seen them that way, not even with the girls.
- For it is that we ... - Peter will turn unfinished the sentence.
- Veras approached Remus-Sirius "We look like a good guy with everything and you're licking boots of the teachers, we have charged twice, and well what I mean is that we like you, I want to clarify that when I say "we" I mean James and Peter.
- Thanks ... I think.
— ¿Cuándo aceptaras que eres un hombre lobo? — pregunto James.
Remus sintió que las piernas se le doblaban, ni si quiera sintió la mano de Sirius en su hombro por el torrente de pensamientos que lleno su cabeza. Por un momento se sintió dentro de la boca del lobo.
— How did you discover?
- We have always lived in the wizarding world is easy for us to notice when someone comes in with so many bruises after moon full.
- I see then how I prepare my suitcase right? - the auburn eyes watered "If I give a little time to prepare my trunk go Dumbledore to leave.
- "go? Come lunatic not get dramatic, "If Sirius shaking it just wanted to tell you how many with our support, when I say" our "I mean James, Peter and me.
- lunatic course! - Approached James "You'll see that we got four each full moon, even invent the story of a haunted house as a muggle do not want anyone when approaching algú n place, and we do not see it all planned.
- Montárnosla "? - Remus was now scared.
- fellow Show him what I mean!
before your eyes fellow became a deer, a dog and a rat after Remus seemed to assimilate his human form again, James was the first to speak and extend a hand.
- The friends trust their secrets, we do not have permission Animagi but that's our big secret Can we confide?
- I'ma werewolf Remus reached out and took the James-You can trust me James Potter.
- "James Potter? - Sirius again" Tell antlers shaking, I can call my spliff and as Peter ... pleases you is the same because we're friends ... lunatic.
- Lunatic! - Peter and approached agreed to give him a pat on the shoulder, "Now are part Remus.
- "Part of what?
- 're a predator, "he clarified James-Congratulations!
I look forward to the present river leaving Tonks and bewildered by the joyful laughter, loud and barely heard in the.
- Remus "you laugh at me?
- ¡Claro que sí!
— Lunático- murmuro Tonks antes de verse abrazada por Remus. Si ella supiera que hace mucho había aceptado ser hombre lobo, ser merodeador, y sobre todo haber aceptado que le gustaba sentirse querido por aquellos que lo aceptaban tal cual era.
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