_ I've seen the evil in their eyes but still I can trust him.
_ These crazy, completely crazy Annh.
_ Yes I know, I know, but still I know he does not betray me. _
betray?, No he will not betray you. He will kill him.
_ Do not be so catastrophic ... Joan, Lu is not going to betray. _ Lu
is mismçisimo devil. He knows what your weaknesses, yours and those of anyone. _ If the Arcangel
too. And I have no fear of that. Asta los angeles have weaknesses. _No
excusess what ... Stay away from him. Stay away from Lu is dangerous.
_ can be very beneficial, I can help with the other angels and I can also learn more of his followers. _If
end your life as they did with Chris. _ Lu
had nothing to do with the death of Christ. That was my error. _
Yeah, you killed your best friend Who te metio esa idea en la cabeza, Lu?
_ No dije que lo mate yo dije que fue ni error es muy diferente. Ya no hablemos de esto ¿sí?, nos vemos mañana.