Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chilblains And Vitamin K

Exercise 28, p. I have 75

1. What is your hobby?
Jm, let me think ... Internet. I think is my biggest hobby.
2. Do you play any sports?
I began visiting the gym ... I do not like sports. I prefer to see others do. Hehe)
3. How would you prefer to spend your summer vacation?
good question! I like to rest. I read books, monto eb bici, a veces puedo nadar
4. ¿Cúal es su programa de televisión favorito?
Yo casi no veo tele. Pero me gusta "Dos estrellas" y "La Escuela de los Escándalos"
5. ¿Cuál es su grupo musical favorito?
Sin duda, La Oreja de Van Gogh. )))
6. ¿Sabe usted tejer o coser?
No, pero en mi nuñez yo queria aprender...
7. ¿Juega a las cartas?
Si. El juedo muy facil, se llama "Idiota"
8. What are the three most popular sports in your country?
are soccer, figure skating and litrobol)))
9. "Bullfighting is a sport, a competition between man and beast or an art?
art is very dangerous


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