Title: The Key
Once the cell door was closed Azkaban Sirius felt the agonizing feeling of being alone again. The feeling was not unknown, his family had shown him the path from the first day he asked for a little attention, then know that Black had to grow up alone , fearing the blood, protecting the pride and most importantly, remain loyal to an unjust cause.
gray eyes swept the grimy walls why lizards, rats and vermin were a vast community, the jury had been cruel to the last moment, Sirius Black did not receive the Dementor's kiss, the idea of a pure blood, even ma s the last of his lineage and firstborn son who would be consolidated in jail would serve as a warning to the rest of pure blood.
Your name condemned him again, the ancient name that had opened the doors of the most famous wizards like Dumbledore, Potter, Flamel or Merlin himself was the same key now shut the cell that will retain for life.
Title: Amigo
- You must go Sirius! - said Remus "The ministry is looking for you for murder!
- Who killed Remus?
nervous Remus's face was dissolved at the time that Sirius opened his eyes, the nightmare was repeated in his mind, the Aurors receiving notice of the presence of the unspeakable, Sirius Black leading the squad that traveled directly to Godric's Hollow, and then Remus pale as full moon days, and he finally waking up staring at his cell in Azkaban.
- Who killed Remus?
James. Sirius shook of pain, tears had never shown anyone surfaced in the eyes sometimes gray, sometimes purple, always characterized by an electric eye. The look was gone, now only shows sorrow for the loss of the brother who always meant a new world, a new hope and the greatest friend of Sirius Orion Black.